
Construction Inspection Services, Inc. and CIS Engineering, Inc. are dedicated to providing quality professional inspection and engineering services throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. With over 20 years of engineering experience CIS offers its clients a wide variety of expertise including construction site inspection, geotechnical investigations, retaining wall designs, foundation wall designs as well as many other geotechnical and structural engineering services. To find out more about our company and the specialized services we provide please contact us for more information on how we can assist you in competing your project professionally.

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Scott Klevenhagen, PE, President

Mr. Klevenhagen is the president & principal engineer of Construction Inspection Services, Inc., established 1988, and the president and principal engineer of CIS Engineering, Inc., established 1999.  Consulting firms providing professional engineering services including the design & evaluation of timber, concrete, steel & masonry structures. Concrete & soil testing related to land development and foundation engineering. 

Mr. Klevenhagen has nearly 20 years of combined experience in multiple phases of geotechnical & structural engineering, providing consultative services, construction monitoring, and material testing for builders, developers, contractors and architects. Mr. Klevenhagen has performed and/or certified the installation of more than 100,000 residential foundations located in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.  

Mr. Klevenhagen supervises a technical  staff of certified engineering technicians and residential third party inspectors currently approved to perform engineering & inspection services in more than twenty (25) jurisdictions.